2011年12月22日 星期四

Chapter 4 - The Handicap of Definition

In paragraph1-4, she main point is that how has the word "black" been taken by people. People connect black with positive when it's decribing sport or entertainment. In paragraph8-11, she says that the resaon why Black people is good at sport and entertainment is because they assume they should good at them. So they keep practice. She think Black children should be told that they can do whatever they want in the future. Then they will believe they have the abilities to fullfill their dreams.

Because those success usually connect to white not black. She talks about how people in society think about each words' meaning. In the end, she ironically say she wants those black to be failure in the futer (by definition).  That means she hope black people can be succeed in other area not just sport and entertainment.

She think Black children should be told that they can do whatever they want in the future. Then they will believe they have the abilities to fullfill their dreams.

i think she is not trying to make "black" better. She just think the definition of black is too narrow. She just want people to change what they used to connect the word with certain situation.

No, i think the writer just try to illustrate the phenomenon pf how sex connect to black.

Chapter 4 -Getting Angry Can Be a Good Thing

I think her point is that sometimes, the anger will give you the motivation to zchieve something. In paragraph 3, she talks about how her friend makes her feel disapointed and angry. And the anger is the reason why she trys to help those immagrants.

I think she use the "flash back." She talks about the moment she discovered that outrage could be good thing. And she become perticular about how the anger influence her today.

Usually I think the word is negative. To me, outrage may make people do something bad in anger and doean't consider the consequence. But now i believe that anger can motivate people to become a better person and reach his dream.

I think it is quite believable since she did have that experience. The conclusion is based on her own experience.

Yes, it is. Because she wrote about thst she believes a little outrage can take her a lony way, which means that anger bring her to what she does today.


2011年12月15日 星期四

Chapter 4 - I Was a Member of the Kung Fu Crew

In paragraph 2, author talks about his life with Kung Fu in eighth grade. Then he talks about 80's in paragraph 5 about the hair style, clothes among them. Next he talks about the hair style when they are in college and how everyone in KFC changed their hair styles. From 9 to 13 paragraph, he talks about the current lives.

There are pale-face nerds who study all the time, trying to get into ivies. There are recent immigrants with uncombed hair and crooked teeth. There are punks with high-lighted hair who cut school, and the gangsters, whom everyone avoids.
Lu think the KFC work hard like nerds but identify with the punk.

I think he tried to describe the lifestyle in Chinatown. How your wearing, your hairstyle represent your "status" on the neighborhood.  And in that time, you had to consider that every move you walk, every clothes you wear, even the school bag means a lot at that time.

I think to Lu, Chinatown is not just a place to live. He spend his time with his friends. They hung out together in  every street in Chinatown. Neighbors took care of each other. Every spot in Chinatown is full of their memories. It is how we feel about home. That's why no matter where he and his friends move; they will always get back together in Chinatown, because it is a home with similar place and senses of kindness and security.  

I think his thesis is explicit. I think he tried to show his feeling toward Chinatown. And as an Asian, he feel proud about his own costume and culture. Even when he moved to Brooklyn, Chinatown will always be his home.

Chapter 4 - Chocolate Equals Love

I think the way author described chocolate is interesting. It makes us think about how chocolate plays it diversity roles in our lives. No matter when we are young or old, in love with someone or be jilted by someone; chocolate become our lifelong partner.

The history give me some information about chocolate that I never know. The history tell us how chocolate become so popular in Europe, and what was chocolate like originally. I am quite surprise at the way that people in the past  taste chocolate; the flavors and the shape are different from now.

Not really. I have heard before that eating chocolate is good for heart. But I still feel a little bit surprised that chocolate has so many extra benefit to our health. And it also can provides is caffeine without having a cup of coffee. What I am really surprised is that the taste of the chocolate, the aroma, the mouth feel, even the memories of eating it can calm our brain or lighten  our thoughts.

Chocolate is not just a sweet or luxurious food; it is also an important role in every phases in our lives.

I seldom eat chocolate actually. But paragraph 11 reminds me that most of my memories about chocolate are those chocolate in beautiful boxes and waited to be given from a girl to a boy. So I guess chocolate does play an important role in our love lives.

2011年12月9日 星期五

Ch3- A Black Fan of Country Music Finally Tells All

The essay is mainly about why she likes country musix and she decided to tell everyone her love to country music. I think that paragraph 6 introduced the essay. In paragraph 6, she declared that she is finally willing to admit that she is a big fan of country music.

I think in these two paragraphs, she tried to tell readers that in her past life, she had to love the country music secretly. She decribed her behaviors when she tried to buy the CDshe wanted. She had to pretend she was looking for something else and sneaking to the country aisle. While she tried to pay the CD, she was worried other people's opinion. I think these experiences make her more release when she decide to "come out of the closet".

In 1950's, countey-and-western music was banned in black community because it was a symbol of prejudice and racial bigorty. The music represnt Blacks is jass, blues and funk, so black people supposed to love jazz not country music. But author mentioned that she believed that some elements in country music were "stole" from jazz, so it was ok to like country music. As time went by, she thinks white people start to accept jazz and blues. That was another reason that shet hought  it was fine to like country music. But during this time, still little people willing to buy those tape of country music. In 1980's, country music became mainstream. Those singers play country music became big stars. Even Wall Street investment bankers crazy about those cowboy boots and hats  and learned to do the two-steps. These phenomenons show the country are popular.

I think it means from now on, she won't cover her taste toward any kinds of music. In paragraph 18, she means although it seems that rap and hip-hop are popular, she won't cover her dislike toward this kind of music. And in paragraph 19, she compare the song because she think this song can express same meaning like rap and hip-hop but in a way which she prefers.

I guess it is right because when I surf the internet, there are a lot of  information about country music in 1980;'s. Since the author is a big fan of country music, she would concern the trend of it. So i believe her assertion  is credible.

Ch3 - Stop Ordering Me Around

I think her tone supposed to be indignant and fristration. i think she felt frustrated about how the society look down her job. Also she obviously angry about those customers mistreat servers, she tried to tell us that servers are nothing different from those people who have prestigious jobs.

Yes, it does. I can understand her anger. I can't iomagine that if I had to work an extra hour, serving those mean customers. Since the cook had left, she had to do not only serve the food but also cook the food. Those mean customers made her situation more pathetic. They didn't consider about the waitress was working an extra hour but taune and harass her.

In this essay, most of the paragraphs she talks about her own feelings and thoughts. For examples, she wishes those oppressors had chance to do the job of a server. She talks about her pet peeve about when those custmoers  make a waiter take a separate trip for each item. Only in the last paragraph, she tell us that their job are as important as others and we customers should give them respect.

I think she  kept using these words can show her anger about those behaviors. It also shows those customer didn't care about their doings are toturing the waitress. They wouldn't leave the restaurant when it was already too late at night., they even make fin at the waitress.

I think another example like peasant is cleaners. People tend to think cleaner is a low job because they have to clean up those trash, or clean the rest room. Some people even think it is ok to stain the rest room because cleaners have the responsibilities to clean it up.

I think if these issues were discussed more openly , the essay would be more stronger. Server's voice should be heared otherwise thest customers would think their disrespects did not cause any impact to  those servers.While they are reading this essay, they should start thinking wether themselves are treat these servers without respects.

2011年11月29日 星期二

chapter 3 - Sweatin' fot Nothing

People take elevator instead of walking the stairs, drive cars to their destination insead of walking. At the same time, they pay a great amount of money on health club, Stairmaster. Barlow thinks these "extra exercise" cause waste.

In paragraph 5 says that people keep wasting energy that will led to the world run out of the energy and pollute the earth. In paragraph 6, he compars the past and the present. He takes chopping wood and running for examples. In the past, people chopped the wood or ran a long way because they had actual needs. But now, people do works beyond useless. In paragraph 7, writer says that we can get these exercises in our normal life, we don't have to pay extra money to get them.

Let those people in health club's exercis generate the energy suport the eletricity of the club even supply the energy to the neighborhood. Use those extra exercise well.

I think is waste. Because the writer writes that the life we have now, full of the basic waste. Compare with the past century, we waste energy and pollute the world in rapid way. In the end of the essay, he writes his solution of this problem in s humorous way, basically, he wants these people don't waste these energy.

Yes, I agree. I think people should take every chances they can exercise in their lives, such as walk the stairs and walk to their destination. We shouldn't pay to walk up stairs.

My Special Place (2nd version)

During senior high school, especially the time before the University Entrance Examination, every day we were exhausted for those tests. After classes, we still had to stay at school for self-study. Those days are suffering. Luckily, I had a place to vent my stress. During the day, it was the playground crowded with student playing basketball. At night, it is my own special place where I could be relaxed and enjoy the peace.
There are two playgrounds in my high school. I spent more time in the one which is behind the gym,smaller but hidden. You can see inside of the gym through the big clean window. There is a swimming pool in the gym so you csn see people swim inside throu the window. During the PE class, this playground did give me some pain when I had to run around the playground over and over again. But when we sat on the stairs, watching those handsome basketball players playing basketball. It was also a kind of pleasure.   
While we were self-studying at night, I usually sneaked out the classroom for an hour. I liked the playground when nobody else there. It was quiet and safe since you didn’t have to worry about being hit by a basketball. The lighting in the gym would light the court at night. It was nice to sit in front of the window, seeing people swam in the gym. Swimming is one of my favorite sports. During the time preparing the test, I didn’t have much time for swimming anymore. Sometime I lay on the ground, feeling the quiet and peace. It felt like time was stop, nothing else mattered. I looked those shining stars in the sky, thinking about what it felt to look down from the sky. In this place, I had no pressure from parents, teachers and tests. I don’t have to care other people’s opinion. I was alone but surrounded by peace.
However, there were few times I got caught and had to run away from teachers. It was quite exciting actually. It felt like I was acting “Mission Impossible “. When I went back to the classroom, some friends would curious about where I go. I always lied to them that I went to the library. Though they are my friends I still didn’t want to share my secret place with them. The quiet is more valuable than friendship to me sometime.
After graduating from high school, I still go back to school sometimes, the playground always full of student playing basketball. Sometimes I just sit there, watching them playing basketball. They remind me those days, the time I spent in this playground. Although the time has changed, I can still remember the felling of being hugged by peaceful and quiet atmosphere here.               

2011年11月27日 星期日

My special Place (1st version)

During senior high school, especially the time before the University Entrance Examination, every day I was exhausted for those tests. After classes, I still had to stay at school for self-study. Those days are suffering. Luckily, I had a place to vent my stress. During the day, it was the playground crowded with students. But at night, it is my own special place where I could be relaxed and enjoy the peace.

There are two playgrounds in my high school. The bigger one you can see it from the classroom’s window. It is closed to the Administration Building, which means more easily to get caught because we were not allowed to leave the Academic Building after dinner. Another one is behind the gym, which is smaller but hidden. You can see the swimming pool through the big clean window near the court. The lighting in the gym would light the court.

While we were self-studying, I usually sneaked out the classroom for an hour. I liked the playground when nobody else there. It was quiet and safe since you didn’t have to worry about being hit by a basketball. I would sit in front of the window, seeing people swam in the gym. Swimming is one of my favorite sports. During the time I prepared the test, I didn’t have much time for swimming anymore. Sometime I lay on the ground, feeling the quiet and peace. It felt like time was stop, nothing else mattered. I looked those shining stars in the sky, thinking about what it felt to look down from the sky. In this place, I had no pressure from parents, teachers and tests. I don’t have to care other people’s opinion. I was alone but surrounded by peace.

However, there were few times I got caught and I had to run away from teachers. It was quite exciting actually. I felt like I was acting “Mission Impossible “. When I went back to the classroom, some friends would curious about where I go. I always lied to them that I went to the library. Though they are my friends I still didn’t want to share my secret place with them. The peace is more valuable than friendship to me sometime.

After graduating from high school, I still go back to school sometimes, the playground always full of student playing basketball. Sometimes I just sit there, watching them playing basketball. They remind me those days, the time I spent in this playground. Although the time has changed, I can still remember the felling of being hugged by peaceful and quiet atmosphere here.               

2011年11月20日 星期日

chapter 2 (II)

Time to Look and Listen

I think that give us strong impressions and feelings about that time how her classmates treated her.
And she wright about herself in a struggle situation about her own family background and other's opinions. She also write the specific incident that shows it was really happened.

In the last paragraph, he wright about "Education is the key to understanding." Discrimination and stereotypings will always exist in every society. Educate our kids to understand other races or religions is the way to avoid those hurt might happen. Like the author's mom try to teach those kids about their culture, so her brother's classmates will treat her brother with respect.

 "Education is the key to understanding."

I think she is not tyr to pursuade us, she is trying to tell us not to judge people or race and their culture before we really understand them. Maybe apart of her try to let off the steam, but ultimately she wants the society to realize the problem should be noticed and we should focus on the education.

Though she doesn't wright the specific date, in paragraph 6, she wrights about the civil war in Lebanon and also in paragraph 9, she wrights "when initial reports.....", she uses each incident to show each time.

Footprints on the Flag

I think she respects American's flag because she was willing to wipe the flag clean. And I also think she still lives under the shade of China since she kept compare American and with China.

I think the situation in American and China is obvious a conflict, the author compare the certain action will have different consequence in each country. And the changing of author's thoughts toward American is another conflict.

I think the most important one is conflict between American and China. The author kept saying what would happen if the artist was live in China, espically the freedom of speech. 

I think she may think that certain limit of freedom is necessary. She wright that she  think to the artist, it was too much  freedom that allow him to be secular.

I think both of parts of the artist and the author wright about her childhood in China are realistic. I guess artists are usually emotional and sinical, and in a Communist China, the situation she decribes were probably happened. 

2011年11月13日 星期日

Chapter 2 - On Using Narration

A Fowl Trick to Play on a Lawn Tractor (not quiet understand...)
1.  she was curious about the trash compactor.

2.  he think the noise was came from the tractor because he had been regreat about buying that tractor for so long. he has prejudice.

3.   man and machine; man  and peahen; imagine and reality

4.  the relation between man and peahen ....

5. Do not be deceived by the surface.

Learning, then College

1. She mentioned that she made a decision to  take time off before college that changed her life forever

2. She didn't use a specific time point.

3. Using flashback shows that the writer is illustrating in her point of view, not just telling a story.

4. Explore the world before you devote your life to something else .

5. She told us that dision she made, gave her a different point of view which different to other people who didn't support her idea.

2011年9月19日 星期一


     My name is Janet Yang. I'm from Taoyuan. I like to watch movies, especially horror movie. I like to watch horror movies alone. My favorite exercise is swimming because I don't have to be sweated. I also  like to play basketball. Well, honestly, I like to"watch people playing basketball". I enjoy the intense mood  on the field. I am a shy person.

    There are  six people in my family. I have one older brother who is working.  Now i have a part-time job in university. My job includes answer the phone call and contact those  alumnus. I like my job because I met many good people there. And also it can give me some experiences on administration.

     I am not good at talking in front of the whole class. So this semester, I try to take some courses like Public Speaking and Interpretation to make it beter. My expections to this class are to learn skills that will aid me write a good essay, get the opportunity to read more good articals.
     I think that's all, i hope we can get to know each other more in the future. I am very glad to be in this class.