2011年12月15日 星期四

Chapter 4 - I Was a Member of the Kung Fu Crew

In paragraph 2, author talks about his life with Kung Fu in eighth grade. Then he talks about 80's in paragraph 5 about the hair style, clothes among them. Next he talks about the hair style when they are in college and how everyone in KFC changed their hair styles. From 9 to 13 paragraph, he talks about the current lives.

There are pale-face nerds who study all the time, trying to get into ivies. There are recent immigrants with uncombed hair and crooked teeth. There are punks with high-lighted hair who cut school, and the gangsters, whom everyone avoids.
Lu think the KFC work hard like nerds but identify with the punk.

I think he tried to describe the lifestyle in Chinatown. How your wearing, your hairstyle represent your "status" on the neighborhood.  And in that time, you had to consider that every move you walk, every clothes you wear, even the school bag means a lot at that time.

I think to Lu, Chinatown is not just a place to live. He spend his time with his friends. They hung out together in  every street in Chinatown. Neighbors took care of each other. Every spot in Chinatown is full of their memories. It is how we feel about home. That's why no matter where he and his friends move; they will always get back together in Chinatown, because it is a home with similar place and senses of kindness and security.  

I think his thesis is explicit. I think he tried to show his feeling toward Chinatown. And as an Asian, he feel proud about his own costume and culture. Even when he moved to Brooklyn, Chinatown will always be his home.

