2011年12月9日 星期五

Ch3 - Stop Ordering Me Around

I think her tone supposed to be indignant and fristration. i think she felt frustrated about how the society look down her job. Also she obviously angry about those customers mistreat servers, she tried to tell us that servers are nothing different from those people who have prestigious jobs.

Yes, it does. I can understand her anger. I can't iomagine that if I had to work an extra hour, serving those mean customers. Since the cook had left, she had to do not only serve the food but also cook the food. Those mean customers made her situation more pathetic. They didn't consider about the waitress was working an extra hour but taune and harass her.

In this essay, most of the paragraphs she talks about her own feelings and thoughts. For examples, she wishes those oppressors had chance to do the job of a server. She talks about her pet peeve about when those custmoers  make a waiter take a separate trip for each item. Only in the last paragraph, she tell us that their job are as important as others and we customers should give them respect.

I think she  kept using these words can show her anger about those behaviors. It also shows those customer didn't care about their doings are toturing the waitress. They wouldn't leave the restaurant when it was already too late at night., they even make fin at the waitress.

I think another example like peasant is cleaners. People tend to think cleaner is a low job because they have to clean up those trash, or clean the rest room. Some people even think it is ok to stain the rest room because cleaners have the responsibilities to clean it up.

I think if these issues were discussed more openly , the essay would be more stronger. Server's voice should be heared otherwise thest customers would think their disrespects did not cause any impact to  those servers.While they are reading this essay, they should start thinking wether themselves are treat these servers without respects.

