2011年11月20日 星期日

chapter 2 (II)

Time to Look and Listen

I think that give us strong impressions and feelings about that time how her classmates treated her.
And she wright about herself in a struggle situation about her own family background and other's opinions. She also write the specific incident that shows it was really happened.

In the last paragraph, he wright about "Education is the key to understanding." Discrimination and stereotypings will always exist in every society. Educate our kids to understand other races or religions is the way to avoid those hurt might happen. Like the author's mom try to teach those kids about their culture, so her brother's classmates will treat her brother with respect.

 "Education is the key to understanding."

I think she is not tyr to pursuade us, she is trying to tell us not to judge people or race and their culture before we really understand them. Maybe apart of her try to let off the steam, but ultimately she wants the society to realize the problem should be noticed and we should focus on the education.

Though she doesn't wright the specific date, in paragraph 6, she wrights about the civil war in Lebanon and also in paragraph 9, she wrights "when initial reports.....", she uses each incident to show each time.

Footprints on the Flag

I think she respects American's flag because she was willing to wipe the flag clean. And I also think she still lives under the shade of China since she kept compare American and with China.

I think the situation in American and China is obvious a conflict, the author compare the certain action will have different consequence in each country. And the changing of author's thoughts toward American is another conflict.

I think the most important one is conflict between American and China. The author kept saying what would happen if the artist was live in China, espically the freedom of speech. 

I think she may think that certain limit of freedom is necessary. She wright that she  think to the artist, it was too much  freedom that allow him to be secular.

I think both of parts of the artist and the author wright about her childhood in China are realistic. I guess artists are usually emotional and sinical, and in a Communist China, the situation she decribes were probably happened. 

