2011年12月22日 星期四

Chapter 4 - The Handicap of Definition

In paragraph1-4, she main point is that how has the word "black" been taken by people. People connect black with positive when it's decribing sport or entertainment. In paragraph8-11, she says that the resaon why Black people is good at sport and entertainment is because they assume they should good at them. So they keep practice. She think Black children should be told that they can do whatever they want in the future. Then they will believe they have the abilities to fullfill their dreams.

Because those success usually connect to white not black. She talks about how people in society think about each words' meaning. In the end, she ironically say she wants those black to be failure in the futer (by definition).  That means she hope black people can be succeed in other area not just sport and entertainment.

She think Black children should be told that they can do whatever they want in the future. Then they will believe they have the abilities to fullfill their dreams.

i think she is not trying to make "black" better. She just think the definition of black is too narrow. She just want people to change what they used to connect the word with certain situation.

No, i think the writer just try to illustrate the phenomenon pf how sex connect to black.

