2011年12月9日 星期五

Ch3- A Black Fan of Country Music Finally Tells All

The essay is mainly about why she likes country musix and she decided to tell everyone her love to country music. I think that paragraph 6 introduced the essay. In paragraph 6, she declared that she is finally willing to admit that she is a big fan of country music.

I think in these two paragraphs, she tried to tell readers that in her past life, she had to love the country music secretly. She decribed her behaviors when she tried to buy the CDshe wanted. She had to pretend she was looking for something else and sneaking to the country aisle. While she tried to pay the CD, she was worried other people's opinion. I think these experiences make her more release when she decide to "come out of the closet".

In 1950's, countey-and-western music was banned in black community because it was a symbol of prejudice and racial bigorty. The music represnt Blacks is jass, blues and funk, so black people supposed to love jazz not country music. But author mentioned that she believed that some elements in country music were "stole" from jazz, so it was ok to like country music. As time went by, she thinks white people start to accept jazz and blues. That was another reason that shet hought  it was fine to like country music. But during this time, still little people willing to buy those tape of country music. In 1980's, country music became mainstream. Those singers play country music became big stars. Even Wall Street investment bankers crazy about those cowboy boots and hats  and learned to do the two-steps. These phenomenons show the country are popular.

I think it means from now on, she won't cover her taste toward any kinds of music. In paragraph 18, she means although it seems that rap and hip-hop are popular, she won't cover her dislike toward this kind of music. And in paragraph 19, she compare the song because she think this song can express same meaning like rap and hip-hop but in a way which she prefers.

I guess it is right because when I surf the internet, there are a lot of  information about country music in 1980;'s. Since the author is a big fan of country music, she would concern the trend of it. So i believe her assertion  is credible.

