2011年12月15日 星期四

Chapter 4 - Chocolate Equals Love

I think the way author described chocolate is interesting. It makes us think about how chocolate plays it diversity roles in our lives. No matter when we are young or old, in love with someone or be jilted by someone; chocolate become our lifelong partner.

The history give me some information about chocolate that I never know. The history tell us how chocolate become so popular in Europe, and what was chocolate like originally. I am quite surprise at the way that people in the past  taste chocolate; the flavors and the shape are different from now.

Not really. I have heard before that eating chocolate is good for heart. But I still feel a little bit surprised that chocolate has so many extra benefit to our health. And it also can provides is caffeine without having a cup of coffee. What I am really surprised is that the taste of the chocolate, the aroma, the mouth feel, even the memories of eating it can calm our brain or lighten  our thoughts.

Chocolate is not just a sweet or luxurious food; it is also an important role in every phases in our lives.

I seldom eat chocolate actually. But paragraph 11 reminds me that most of my memories about chocolate are those chocolate in beautiful boxes and waited to be given from a girl to a boy. So I guess chocolate does play an important role in our love lives.

