2012年4月8日 星期日

those teacher i have met (2nd version)

 Since being a student, I have met many teachers. Before going to the elementary school, I believe all teachers are kind, generous and patient. However, as time went by, my thought have changed. In short, I divide those teachers I met into three categories.
    First, teachers who try to do their best, but they don’t know how. In this category, teachers teach their students with passion. They take their job seriously and try to get along with their students. However, they don’t realize their ways of teaching or communicating are not work at all. Students complain their teaching and not really want to spend more time with them outside the class. My teacher who taught history in 5th grade was in this category. During the class, she always asked us to read textbook and take notes from the blackboard. Sometime between classes, she would come to us and listen to our conversation then make comments. That always made us awkward. My friends always complained that the History is boring enough, but under her teaching, History made him sleepy every times.
    The second kind is the most awful one. Teachers taught the class by giving exams. And always bring the personal mood to the class. My teacher in junior high school is the most awful teacher I have met. He taught us Math for whole three years. That made the weak foundation of my Math for high school. During the class, he always gave us exams. And if he was not satisfied the score, he would punish us. Worst of all, he was my homeroom teacher that means those time like discussing the class affairs would become math test. Every time when he showed up with a long face, we all knew that we had to be extra cautious that day. Because we knew it would be very easily to piss him off. Even though we were careful enough, he still could find some excuses to punish us. He is really the nightmare for all students.
    The third one I think it is the bester you can have. Teachers who are patient, care about students and try to make teaching interesting to make the content easily to be understand. My Math teacher in senior high school, who was also my homeroom teacher, is the best teacher I ever had. She made Math easily to be understood. She never treated us harsh. She would have lunch with class and charted with everyone. Even now I have graduated from high school; she will call and catch up with us. When I have problem, she is still the first person I want to talk to. She is the teacher who really touch my heart not just my brain.
    I am still a student. In college, there are still different teachers in some categories I mentioned above. I still believe teacher is a sacred job. And every of them should do their best to fulfill this sacred title.

