2012年3月11日 星期日

Dilemma to the Future (final version)

Before we are able to make the decision for ourselves, our parents always made them for us. What food we should eat; what clothes we should wear. As we growing up, sometimes parents forgot we aren’t children anymore, and they still try to make the decision for us. In my situation, my father always tells me that I should go to the graduate school after graduating from the college. However I don’t feel the same way.  
My father tells me that he hope that I can grab every opportunity for studying and learning. He believes that these days, students graduated from university don’t have much superiority as them use to be. He thinks that people who with high educational background can find the great job easily. However, it is your attitude that makes the future not your degree. It is true that graduated school student can get the higher salary then college student. But there are also some graduate student become too proud, they won’t accept others even their boss criticize them. On the contrary, sometimes college students are humbler and are willing to get the lesson.
If I follow my father’s opinion, go to the graduate school. First, my father has to spend lots of money on my tuition. Second, the graduate school is all about research and writing those papers, browsing those documents. I will spend lots of time on those paper and research which are the most hateful thing to me as a student. That means my life in graduated school will be miserable. So why don’t I just start to find the job when I graduate from university? Then I can earn the money to support my family. Even in the future I plan to go to the graduate school; I can afford my own tuition; don’t have to spend my parent’s money. I really think it is the better choice
I know my father has a different opinion. But he just want me have a good job and a well-quality life in the future. What we need is not arguing who is right but to share our ideas. Let our parents know that we appreciate their concerns, but we are not children anymore. We have our own plans. It is time to let us make our own decisions and be responsible for ourselves.

