2012年1月3日 星期二

Stop being one of them(2nd)

 I remember those times when I was crazy Korean stars. I used to listen to their songs every day. When I saw those Korean shows on the TV, I would definitely stop to watching. I even spend much money on the ticket of their concerts. However, I suddenly stop loving them.
   I wasn’t falling in love with them at first sight. My friend was a huge fan of Korean culture. She liked Korean’s music, movie and drama. She always tried to make me be interested about them, but I just couldn’t. One day, I was watching a Korean show on the TV. I found that was hilarious. Those stars were trying their best to amuse audience, so I started to watch that show every week. I star to chatting with my friend about those Korean stars, music and drama. We even pay the money to learn Korean.
   The year when we graduated from high school, our favorite Korean star was going to having a concert here in Taiwan. My friend and I were so excited that we decided to buy the ticket to the concert right away. We woke up in the three o’clock in the morning in order to get the number card that was necessary to buy the extra product like T-shirt and poster. We really enjoyed that concert. Watching those stars on the stage was like a dream. It was really memorable.
   However, my interest toward Korea stopped when I become a senior. It happened in a similar situation. I was watching TV, and I saw news about those Korean stars keep coming to Taiwan to have concerts or fan party and they got lots of money from Taiwan. Somehow at that moment, I felt extremely angry. I felt sorry about the money they took from us. I regret that I spend lots of money in the past as well. From that moment, I refuse everything from Korea. I stop watching their show, drama and movie. I felt their music is annoying, so I delete every song in my mp3.
 I even try to persuade my friend to stop crazy about it. I put all those stuff about Korea in a box and put it in the top of my cabinet. I hardly think about that box since then.
Now, when I see another new about how those crazy young girls stay in the airport, waiting for the star. I will yell at TV and tease those crazy girls. I know ironically, I was one of them. I understand that that experience will never be erased. I just hope that in the future, I will remember this experience and spend the money reasonably.  

