2012年1月1日 星期日

My special Place (final version)

During senior high school, especially the time before the University Entrance Examination, every day we were exhausted for those tests. After classes, we still had to stay at school for self-study. Those days are suffering. Luckily, I had a place to vent my stress. During the day, it was the playground crowded with student playing basketball. At night, it is my own special place where I could be relaxed and enjoy the peace.

There are two playgrounds in my high school. I spent more time in the one which is behind the gym,smaller but hidden. You can see inside of the gym through the big clean window. There is a swimming pool in the gym so you csn see people swim inside through the window. During the PE class, this playground did give me some pain when I had to run around the playground over and over again. But when we sat on the stairs, watching those handsome basketball players playing basketball. It was also a kind of pleasure.

While we were self-studying at night, I usually sneaked out the classroom for an hour. I liked the playground when nobody else there. It was quiet and safe since you didn’t have to worry about being hit by a basketball. The lighting in the gym would light the court at night. It was nice to sit in front of the window, seeing people swam in the gym. Swimming is one of my favorite sports. During the time preparing the test, I didn’t have much time for swimming anymore. Sometime I lie on the ground, feeling the quiet and peace. It felt like time was stop, nothing else mattered. I looked those shining stars in the sky, thinking about what it felt to look down from the sky. In this place, I had no pressure from parents, teachers and tests. I don’t have to care other people’s opinion. I was alone but surrounded by peace.

However, there were few times I got caught and had to run away from teachers. It was quite exciting actually. It felt like I was acting “Mission Impossible “. When I went back to the classroom, some friends would curious about where I go. I always lied to them that I went to the library. Though they are my friends I still didn’t want to share my secret place with them. The quiet is more valuable than friendship to me sometime.

After graduating from high school, I still go back to school sometimes, the playground always full of student playing basketball. Sometimes I just sit there, watching them playing basketball. They remind me those days, the time I spent in this playground. Although the time has changed, I can still remember the felling of being hugged by peaceful and quiet atmosphere here.

