2011年9月19日 星期一


     My name is Janet Yang. I'm from Taoyuan. I like to watch movies, especially horror movie. I like to watch horror movies alone. My favorite exercise is swimming because I don't have to be sweated. I also  like to play basketball. Well, honestly, I like to"watch people playing basketball". I enjoy the intense mood  on the field. I am a shy person.

    There are  six people in my family. I have one older brother who is working.  Now i have a part-time job in university. My job includes answer the phone call and contact those  alumnus. I like my job because I met many good people there. And also it can give me some experiences on administration.

     I am not good at talking in front of the whole class. So this semester, I try to take some courses like Public Speaking and Interpretation to make it beter. My expections to this class are to learn skills that will aid me write a good essay, get the opportunity to read more good articals.
     I think that's all, i hope we can get to know each other more in the future. I am very glad to be in this class.